info/form: SPONSORs, GIVERs

Virginia Street Art Festival (VSAF) is a non-profit activity and we’re always seeking donations: money fuels the art –whether from individuals, business sponsors, families, churches, service organizations, college Greek clubs, or funeral tributes in-place-of-flowers. To give non-cash financial instruments like stocks, please consult your accountant.

“In-kind” gifts (stuff or services) are also helpful: paint, lift truck rental, golf cart hours, bottled water, ice, (and for our traveling artists) motel room credit, grocery gift cards, restaurant gift certificates, (to get the word out) broadcast airtime, newspaper ad space, social media boost-credit, screenprinting, T-shirts.

If you need a receipt, please make checks out to “Virginia Street Art Festival via SVAC” and put “restricted gift to VSAF” in the memo space. (Our financial agent is SVAC and their EIN/IRS 501(c)(3) number is 53-1335637; gifts marked as restricted to VSAF will reach us.) If you need no receipt, mark your check “Virginia Street Art Festival” and no other special wording is necessary. Checks can be mailed to: VASF %I MacRae of EN, 215 Fifth Street, Waynesboro, VA 22980 USA. For in-kind gifts, VSAF does not assess market value, so the receipt’s dollar value would be left blank for you or your accountant to fill in.

VSAF does not have paid staff; organizers serve as unpaid volunteers.

Whether sending a check or otherwise supporting VSAF, please fill out the form below so we’ll know what to expect.

To give anonymously, please still supply a name for our records; we’ll keep your name confidential.